In the rhythmic heartbeat of the urban landscape, Vel Nine has sculpted a reality from the dreams of her youth. Her story, a tapestry of ambition and artistry, resonates with the ethos of Viva la Bonita - 'Dream Big Mija.' As a teenager with a microphone and a vision, Vel transformed her dreams into a life that beats in harmony with her lyrics and style.

Vel's artistic journey began with a dream rooted deep in her youth, a vision fostered under the beats of hip-hop that resonated with her soul. This was more than a genre; it was a gateway to self-expression, a medium where her words could dance to the rhythm of her ambitions. From a young dreamer to an artist who recently illuminated stages across the East Coast, her path is a vivid tapestry of passion and perseverance, a narrative that sings of the magic in her lyrics and the power of manifesting dreams.


"How do you see the intersection of your music with fashion, particularly with brands like Viva la Bonita?


"Fashion, to me, is like storytelling. Just as I use my words to express my thoughts and feelings in my music, fashion serves a similar purpose. It's about how you dress, how you feel, and how you present yourself to the world - it's all a form of communication. Collaborating with Viva La Bonita amplifies this for me. The clothes makes me feel not just fashionable, but incredibly dope. 


"As a woman in the music industry, how do you use your platform to empower and inspire others, particularly young Latinas looking up to you?"


"Being a woman in the music industry, despite its challenges, feels like my destiny. Every time I step onto the stage, I see it as opening doors for future females who dream of a career like mine. Growing up without seeing much Latina representation in hip-hop and rap only fueled my passion for the art form, and now, it's what I harness. My platform isn't just for my voice; it's a beacon for young Latina girls, showing them that their dreams in hip-hop and music are not just possible, but necessary. We're crafting a future where our presence in these spaces is celebrated."


"Looking ahead, what are your aspirations for the future?”


"Looking ahead, I'm excited  for what's to come. There are new projects on the horizon, more tours, and endless opportunities to share my creativity with both new listeners and my loyal fanbase. I firmly believe that my best work is still ahead of me. I'm constantly challenging myself to find fresh approaches to my music, fashion, creativity, and art. It's all about evolving and becoming a better version of myself. The growth I've experienced in the last few years has been incredible, and it only fuels my eagerness to see where this journey takes me next."

As Vel’s looks to the future, to new projects, tours, and creative explorations, one thing remains certain: Vel Nine is just getting started. Her story, woven into the fabric of her music and style, continues to unfold, a limitless tapestry of dreams, determination, and the magic of believing. In Vel, the ethos of Viva la Bonita finds its echo – 'Dream Big Mija,' for the journey ahead is boundless, and Vel the Wonder is leading the way, one beat, one stitch, one dream at a time.