Things to do before a job interview.
Hola Bonitas! Finding a job that suits your needs can be tough. Then there's the interview and selection process that's a whole challenge within its self. Here are some tips and tricks I've learned along the way that I know will help you. I worked fashion retail for 10+ years; 3 years of those being a recruiting and training manager. So you're getting real advice from a girl who went through several interviews. Some good, some bad, and some unforgettable ones.
- Research the company you're trying to work for. Before every interview I had, I liked knowing some basic and interesting information about the company that I was working for. I also liked researching the position I was applying for. This helped me to decide if I really wanted to work for the company and also helped me with "small talk" if the opportunity presented its self. It's assuring to the person who is potentially hiring you to show that you cared and prepared for the interview. It's leaves a lasting impression which is extremely important since you are probably up against a handful of candidates. Use that good personality Mujer, you're a catch. ;)
- Dress the part. Finding something to wear for your interview can be stressful. That's why, doing your research is extremely important that can also help make this outfit selection process a little bit easier. Know what type of environment and company you're working for. It's usually never okay to walk in with flip flops and leggings, but some interviews don't require an over the top "corporate" look. For example: if you're interviewing at a fashion store in the mall or a fashion company, I'm sure the person interviewing you wants to see your sense of fashion style. If you're interviewing at a creative agency, you'll want to dress cool, fashionable yet professional. If you're working at a Law Firm, you'll probably have to rock the button up blouse and pencil skirt look... See where this is going? No matter what, you always want to look nice and professional but look the part babe. You want to walk into that interview owning your position already. ;)
- Always bring in extra copies of your resume and cover letter. Another "obvi" to some people, but if this is your first job interview you need all the advice you can get. I can't stress this one enough, always bring in extra copies of your resumes and cover letters. Even if you submitted it online or emailed it. Chances are, your interviewer is NOT going to print a copy before the interview. You also want to be prepared if someone else is going to join the interview. One time, I was I've been interviewed by 3 people; the hiring manager, the store manager, and the regional director. Safe to say, I was prepared and I nailed that one. Also, head to the dollar store and grab a paper folder or something clean and sleek to hold your extra resumes. It'll add a "bossy" touch to your presence. ;)
- Arrive on time. You're probably like "duh, that's a given." Honestly, you have no idea how many candidates I had that arrived late. Girl, "on time" means being 10 min early. I know most of us run on "Latina Time" (LOL). But all jokes aside, on interview days you gotta plan ahead and be responsible for showing up on time. Traffic is always an issue (especially if you're reading this and you live in Los Angeles area); the train or bus can be delayed; your car might not start; etc. Prepare girl, trust me. Arriving a little early shows that you're punctual, serious about the job, and shows a level of accountability. It also helps that you can have some time to sit and manifest how you're gonna ace that interview Mujer. ;)
- Be Confident. There's nothing worse than overthinking a situation that you don't have full control of. Don't stress about the things you can't control mujer. Before your interview, listen to your favorite music, meditate, tell yourself "You got this!", visualize yourself acing that interview. I am a firm supporter in creating good energy for yourself before an interview you can manifest a great outcome. The door has opened, you're in the building, now make the best of it. If it doesn't work out, a new opportunity is on the way BONITA!
Buena Suerte Muchachas! Remember, eres poderosa, eres magia, and you can do anything!
Much love,