It's been a day and wanted to share it with you. You know when it seems like everything is up in the air and you need to get a million things done just to get through the day? Yeah, one of THOSE days.
I was being pushed to my limits, so (naturally) I grabbed my phone for a little TikTok break when I saw a text that says "LOOK!" It was a link to a Vimeo interview done featuring Viva La Bonita that I had been interviewed for a few months back.
5 minutes after seeing my friend's text and my mood was lifted.
That's why I'm writing this to you. To give you a reminder that sometimes you wanna cry, but got sh*t to do. We are all guilty of getting so caught up in our current task, problem, or situation, that we forget how much we have to be thankful for and how far we have come. Sometimes we need a little reminder that everything will be ok. I hope if you feel that today, that this letter reaches out to you, gives you a long warm hug, reminds you to smile, and keep growing through it. You are a Chingona, and no problem is too big for you. You go this, Mija.
Con mucho amor, Rachel.
P.S. If you're curious about the VLB x VIMEO Interview and wanna show us some love, click here or the image below to read it.